What are your community's needs?

STYLE was originally developed for young gay and bisexual men of color in North Carolina, particularly college students. With the involvement of a community advisory board, they created a social marketing brand to appeal to that population. The venues for testing were selected to appeal to that community. Local HIV clinicians worked closely with outreach workers to use appointment reminder approaches that were youth-appropriate. Social support programs were peer-based, and included volunteer opportunities.

M+ was adapted for the population served by APEB in Oakland, California and is part of a county-wide AIDS service network. Health navigators help clients connect with other services and stay engaged in care. The social support programs are multigenerational, and are not all HIV-focused. Participants help choose topics for learning and discussion, and plan social activities. 

If your agency already serves a specific population, some of the factors in the table below may already be determined. You may decide others are not applicable, but defining your program audience is essential to creating responsive services. As much as possible, your staff and advisory groups should mirror the characteristics of the people you serve.

Program Audience Worksheet
Demographic Characteristics People Living with HIV in Our Community
Age range  
Sexuality/sexual orientation  
Gender (including transgender)  
Income level  
Education level  
Other health concerns (example: mental health, substance use, diabetes)  
Other social concerns (example: food, housing, transportation)